An independent Lutheran congregation
We believe that God has spoken to us in his Word and ultimately in the Word made flesh: Jesus
We affirm that the Bible is the reliable and authoritative witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the only source and norm for Christian doctrine. We teach that the two main messages of the Bible are Law and Gospel; the law showing us our sin and the Gospel revealing our Savior. We believe that ultimately God has spoken to us through the life and death and resurrection of his Son, Jesus.
We believe that God created the world and humanity and made it good.
God fashioned the universe and placed human beings made in his image to be in fellowship with him. Because of humanity's sin and brokenness, all of creation needs redepemption and new life.
We believe that God loved the world so much he gave us his only son.
God sent his Son Jesus to be our Savior from, death and the power of the devil. We believe that Jesus took on himself our sin and brokenness on the cross in order to demonstrate his love and save us from all that enslave and oppress us. This saving action forgives our sin and gives us new life.
We believe we are saved by grace through faith.
We believe that God loves sinners and saves all who believe in him with unconditional love and grace. We believe that we receive this love and grace by faith which is defined as simply trusting in God's love.
We believe the Holy Spirit brings us to faith and keeps us in faith.
We believe the Holy Spirit creates saving faith in our hearts through the power of God's Word and through the sacraments as means of grace. Holy Baptism is the sacrament through which the Spirit brings us to faith and by which we are adopted as God's children and made members of the Body of Christ. Holy Communion is the means by which the Spirit nurtures faith and unites the body of Christ.
We believe that the Church is the community of believers and is open to all.
The church is made up of sinners who are loved and called by Jesus. In the church we support and encourage one another, we gather to worship and receive the means of grace and grow in our faith together. God has created us to be in fellowship with him and each other and the Church exists to be a place where this community is celebrated.
The Gospel
The Gospel is the good news of Jesus' life, death and resurrection. It announces the unconditional grace of God to all people and gives us life and salvation. The Gospel is God's final word to us and is the bottom line of theology that forms and shapes all other Christian teaching. It is the truth that sets us free!
The Word of God
The Old and New Testaments (the Bible) are the inspired Word of God and the authorative source of Christian teaching. They give us saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and God's love for all people. It was written by various authors moved by the Spirit and is a reliable witness to God's saving activity in the world. The two main messages of the Bible are the Law, which shows us our sin, and the Gospel which reveals our salvation.
The Church
The church is the body of Christ on earth made of those who are both saint and sinner. It is the gathering of God's people to hear God's Word and to receive the means of grace.
The Means of Grace
Baptism and the Lord's Supper, along with the Word of God, are the means by which the Holy Spirit gives us life and salvation. They deliver to us God's grace and we receive these gifts through faith.
Martin Luther
Our theological tradition takes its name from 15th century theologian, Martin Luther. Luther was a reformer of the church who challenged the teachings of the church especially relating to the freedom of the Gospel and the understanding of salvation. Luther taught that we are saved by grace through faith!
For more information about the life and teaching of this reformer, click here.
Lutheran Confessions
The teaching of the Lutheran Church is grounded in the expression of the Christian faith found in the three Christian creeds and as further confessed in the Lutheran Confessional writings especially the Augsburg Confession and the Small Catehcism.
For more information about these writings, click here
All baptized believers are welcome to receive the Lord's Supper at Grace of God. We celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday in worship. We use bread baked fresh by members of our congregation and have pouring chalices and individual cups.
We believe that in the Lord's Supper we receive the body and blood of Jesus "in, with, and under" the bread and wine. In other words, we believe that when we eat the bread and wine we share together we also receive Christ's body and blood as Jesus' words promise us. We believe the most important preparation for receiving these gifts is to believe Jesus' words: "For you!"
For children who have not been instructed in the Lord's Supper (we prepare students in 5th grade), we invite them to come forward and receive a blessing.